Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2010

Lexicon® LXP Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle Creates Atmospheric Soundscapes for Film Composer Frederik Wiedmann

Frederik Wiedmann is a film composer known for his powerful, compelling and emotionally evocative movie scores. He has composed music for more than 20 feature films including Return to House on Haunted Hill, The Hills Run Red, Mirrors 2, Beneath, Hellraiser: Revelations and Ecstasy, as well music for various TV series.

Wiedmann is equally adapt at drama, action, horror, thriller, comedy and adventure, and is extremely particular about achieving the perfect sonic texture to accompany the on-screen action. One of the tools he constantly relies on is the Lexicon LXP Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle, a versatile software package that offers classic Lexicon reverb algorithms along with a host of studio presets and extensive sound-tailoring capabilities.

“I’ve always prized the natural ambience and inviting quality of Lexicon reverbs, and I’m thrilled that Lexicon now has a native plug-in version of their hardware reverbs,” said Wiedmann. “I like to use plug-ins rather than hardware, because I like to be able to have all my sounds as files that can be instantly recalled, so I can just open my file or template and everything is set as it should be.”

Wiedmann continued, “The LXP is an outstanding plug-in that completely does justice to the hardware version – and has changed the way I work. The ability to recall a cue and its reverb setting with 100 percent accuracy is a great asset and time saver.”

The PC- and Macintosh®-compatible Lexicon LXP Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle is designed to work with popular DAWs like Pro Tools and Logic, as well as with any other VST®, Audio Unit™ or RTAS®-compatible host. It offers four of Lexicon’s most renowned algorithms – Chamber, Hall, Plate and Room – plus 220 finely crafted studio presets.

Its intuitive user interface provides easy access to key parameters, with a graphical real-time full-color display that illustrates the reverb tail, frequency content and impulse response. Virtual input and output meters provide ready indication of audio levels, and presets can be stored in a DAW-independent format that can be transferred to a different DAW.

“I am using the LXP plug-in extensively for my film music, for live orchestral mixing as well as mixing solo vocalists and instruments.” Wiedmann noted. He concluded, “The body and the decay of the reverbs have so much ‘life’ in them – simply beautiful.”

The Lexicon LXP Native Reverb Plug-In Bundle is Native only, and requires iLok authorization. It is currently available at a suggested retail price of $599.95. To activate a free 7-day trial of the Plug-In, a user can visit for an iLok authentication key.

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